Просмотр полной версии : Rome - Total War

11.10.2004, 11:08
Битвы стали супер, варкрафты всякие и рядом не валялись,
а стратегическая карта подкачала, напоминает цив3: аркадная какая то.

11.10.2004, 14:08
но но не надо тут, варкрафты это из другой оперы =) а стратегическая карта в прошлых сериях была еще проще

п..с. так и не понял две вещи - как регулировать глубину строя и мочат ли лучники своих людей если стреляютв гущу сражения

11.10.2004, 20:46
но но не надо тут, варкрафты это из другой оперы =) а стратегическая карта в прошлых сериях была еще проще

п..с. так и не понял две вещи - как регулировать глубину строя и мочат ли лучники своих людей если стреляютв гущу сражения

в прошлых карта была как настоящая которую на столе разложили, а щас фиг знает что
строй зажатой правой кнопкой рисуется вроде.
лучники конешно в своих попадают, хорошо заметно когда огненными стреляют 8)

щас бы мануал найти со всеми таблицами,
а то хелп тоже подкачал - сделали бы уже тогда как цивилопедию :)

18.10.2004, 08:47
Единственное сильное место в игре - 3d сражения и 3d тактика.
Но! Весь интерес к игре пропадает после того как узнаешь что достаточно нажать одну кнопку - "автоматизировать сражение" в стратегической карте подобно цивилизации. Я так и не понял, кнопка действует по количественному принципу?

18.10.2004, 13:35
Надо просто привыкнуть к новому интерфейсу, я уже привык, мне уже начинает все нравиться даже, то, что я со словариком англо-русским сижу :)

С лучниками уже надо быть осторожнее, близко к своим не подпускать .

у кого какие успехи уже в компании, я только до атлантического океана дошел :) до Франции. Гады Германцы напали, буду их завоевывать с братьями с Фракции Brutii :), не забывая мочить Gauls( Галлы видимо, предки французов)

Жаль корабельных поединков нет в 3D, а может и к лучшему и так сражений на суши хватает.

Родственников из знати не хватает уже, жду , когда двое до совершеннолетия дорастут :), а так королевны рожают исправно :)

Hastati - красиво сражаются, туча копий и нет врага :) особенно против naked fanatics( почти голые чуваки с оружием в армии Gauls :)

Чем дальше, тем все более интереснее, затягивает игра , аж спать не хочется, и так до поздной ночи :)

18.10.2004, 18:02
Играю в realism mod (измененные tweaked характеристи юнитов, киуменьшенные скорости убийства , более медленное передвижения юнитов, долгое строительство зданий, пониженная точность артиллерии , пониженный чардж у кавалерии , новые более историчные чтоли юниты ,измененные историчные названия империй(Египет = империя Птолемея) , помощь АИ в экономике - типа спасения его от банкротства изза того что он строит слишком много дорогущих кораблей , более активные ребелы , возможность игры за все фракции , новые скины и текстуры итд http://www.rometotalrealism.com/ ). Имхо куда интереснее стало играть, те кто много играл в стандарт поймут , ведь игра слишком легкая)

18.10.2004, 18:30
Единственное сильное место в игре - 3d сражения и 3d тактика.
Но! Весь интерес к игре пропадает после того как узнаешь что достаточно нажать одну кнопку - "автоматизировать сражение" в стратегической карте подобно цивилизации. Я так и не понял, кнопка действует по количественному принципу?

Хех , но помоему в сражениях автоматом часто враг выживает и убегает , чтобы потом вновь собраться и напасть , а когда сражаешься на карте то можно просто перебить всех убегающих с помощью кавалерии продолжив битву кнопка continue battle после объявления победы , это дает много преимуществ , например не надо за ними гоняться , они не получат подкреплений , не будут создавать больше проблем , враг не получит выживших опытных бойцов , и свои наоборот получат больше опыта. Зарекся пользоваться автобоем после сокрушительных поражений при равных условиях , и потмо автобой не поможет выиграть сражение против количественного преимущество противника , да и гробит лучшие юниты этот аи , а то и командиров.

19.10.2004, 14:03
у кого какие успехи уже в компании, я только до атлантического океана дошел :) до Франции. Гады Германцы напали, буду их завоевывать с братьями с Фракции Brutii :), не забывая мочить Gauls( Галлы видимо, предки французов)
Родственников из знати не хватает уже, жду , когда двое до совершеннолетия дорастут :), а так королевны рожают исправно :)

год BC 250
Галлы только в испании остались, напали дакии.
Германцы воюют с британцами, пока не нападают.

С другими римскими фракциями надо держать ухо в остро т.к. по сценарию игры
с ними тоже придётся воевать за власть в риме.

Деньги и Родственники это сила :)
всегда можно собрать армию из наёмников, если на тебя неожиданно напали
+ армии без предводителей легко подкупаются

19.10.2004, 14:09
Хех , но помоему в сражениях автоматом часто враг выживает и убегает , чтобы потом вновь собраться и напасть , а когда сражаешься на карте то можно просто перебить всех убегающих с помощью кавалерии продолжив битву кнопка continue battle после объявления победы , это дает много преимуществ , например не надо за ними гоняться , они не получат подкреплений , не будут создавать больше проблем , враг не получит выживших опытных бойцов , и свои наоборот получат больше опыта. Зарекся пользоваться автобоем после сокрушительных поражений при равных условиях , и потмо автобой не поможет выиграть сражение против количественного преимущество противника , да и гробит лучшие юниты этот аи , а то и командиров.
Автобой это для настоящих стратегов: всё таки в битвах AI играет слабо,
результаты настоящих битв были бы близки к результатам автобоя ;)

19.10.2004, 18:19
незнаю мне кажется автобой выигрывает даже когда у врага количественное превосходство

01.11.2004, 17:17

Эхх а вышел же новый патч Rome: Total Realism 3.1 full *compliments twcenter.net* (59.93 megabytes) изменения офигенные на всех уровнях игры ;)

09.11.2004, 13:08
Расскажите здесь общий перечень изменений в патче... а то интересно стоит ли ставить его вообще.

Сейчас воюю за Греков. Впереди война с S.p.q.r. и египтянами. Македонию и Трасию замочил, с карфагеном дружу :)

09.11.2004, 16:43
Английский ферштейн? Переводить не могу , увы , слишком много :)

4.0 Most Anticipated Release Yet
11/06/2004 6:48 PST | by Tyr
4.0 is coming along well and will be our most significant release. Some things to look forward to in 4.0:
Expansion of the map to western India, to include the Indus river valley, the lands of the Mayuran Empire. It was these people who led to the downfall of the Seleucid Empire.
Revamping of the ZoR (Zone of Recruitability) to be more historically accurate and less buggy overall. This will in turn create more realistic field campaigns and in the long run, complete games.
Release of an online database of changes (units, buildings, gameplay modifications etc), avalible also as download in PDF form.
Dozens of new units, tweaked provinces (including city/province names), new skins and more.
Possible changes that may or may not make it into 4.0: New music and unit voice sets, a new faction (easy to figure out if you have been paying attention) and a more complete Ptolemaic Empire among other things.

09.11.2004, 16:45
3.2 Proper Patch Released
10/30/2004 10:10 PST | by Tyr
This patch fixes various bugs inherited from 3.0/3.1, check out the ReadMe for a full index of changes.
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;;;;; GENERAL CHANGES & FIXES VERSION 3.2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;
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- Fixes bug where Germans could not build Germanic Lancemen.
- Allows all non-Greek/Roman factions to be able to build Imperial Palaces.
- Fixes bug where the game would crash when Legions attempted to switch into a testudo formation. Roman units no longer 'stab', as a result.
- Gauls resource is no longer in beginning Julii provinces.
- Removed +1 Command when attacking bonus gained from the Master Embalmer ancillary.
- Lowered Egyptian Slinger recruit cost to 130 from 150. Egyptian Skirmisher cost stays at 170.
- Gave Arab Infantry a combat bonus in deserts. (+2)
- Made Arab Infantry recruitable for the Slave/Rebel faction.
- Libyan Spearmen now have the phalanx abaility.
- Judean Zealots now have a bonus when fighting in the desert.
- Heartless Ruler trait now gives a +1 penalty to civic unrest.
- Iberian Mercenaries now in a Square formation, instead of a Horde.
Run over to the downloads section to grab the 3.2 patch.
3.1 Imperial Palace Temporary Fix Released
10/30/2004 10:10 PST | by Tyr
This is a temporary fix until the 3.2 patch is released. It allows non-Greek/Roman factions to build Imperial Palaces, as well as fixes the error where Germans could not build Germanic Lancemen. Check out our downloads to grab it.

Rome: Total Realism v3.1 Patch Released
10/30/2004 10:10 PST | by Tyr The patch fixes the testudo CTD, a few text entries, and allows you to build up Mytilene. It is compatible with 3.0 save games. It will still read 3.0 in game, but as long as this has been installed, it will be 3.1! Please check out the downloads section to grab the slim 180 kb patch. There is also a full package avalible: 3.1 Rome Total Realism Full.

Rome: Total Realism v3.0 Released
10/29/2004 14:10 PST | by Tyr
The hotly anticipated version 3.0 of Rome: Total Realism is now avalible in the downloads section!
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;;;;; GENERAL CHANGES & FIXES VERSION 3.0 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;
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- ZONE OF RECRUITABILITY (ZoR): A new concept has been introduced to the gameplay, Zone of Recruitability. What this means, is, unique units for each faction are now only recruitable in a surround 'radius' or 'zone' of their starting provinces. For instance, the furthest East that the Roman factions can construct Legionary troops is the province of Propontis. That is the limit to their ZoR in the east. Provinces outside of the ZoR, factions will only be able to recruit auxillia troops. By auxillia, I mean archers, peltasts, Gallic Mounted Auxillia, etc, along with hireable mercenaries. This attempts to replicate the difficulties in defending and maintaining a far flung empire. When attempting to conquer far away provinces, it is now more important think of logistics, and consider the importance of each unit (do you really want to potentially lose half of that Legionary unit, forcing you to truck more reinforcements in from all the way over in Byzacium? Will they arrive in time?) It also suggests a more varied, 'mercenary' centric army when dealing with far off encounters.
- Extended the game end date until 180 AD, on the death of Marcus Aurelius.
- Extended the map borders to the North to include modern day Scotland, Scandinavia, and more of north-eastern Europe.
- Created and added province of 'Svionia' with the city of 'Sveaby'. This city belongs to the rebels.
- Created and added province of 'Scania' with the city of 'Hervlia'. This city belongs to the rebel faction.
- Created and added province of 'Tripolitania Inferior', owned by the Rebel faction. Renamed 'Tripolitania' to 'Tripolitania Superior'.
- Created and added province of 'Lydia'. The town of Sardis is now in Lydia. Created the town of Smyrna, and it is now in Ionia, and belongs to the Rebel faction.
- Created and added province of 'Lesbos' with the city of 'Mytilene'. This province belongs to the Macedonians. That big island was just begging for a province.
- Created and added province of 'Valencia' with the city of 'Saguntum'. This province belongs to Iberian rebels, and the storming of this city is what kicked off the 2nd Punic War, historically.
- Created and added province of 'Locus Aestui' with the village of 'Vicus Aestui'. This province belongs to the Rebels, and is to the North of Vicus Gepidae.
- Edited the Corsica province. Made more room to fight, as well as added a second possible landing site. Moved harbour away from city so as not to look ugly when both are developed.
- Moved Dalriada further North in the extended Caledonia province.
- Moved Sinope to it's accurate historical position in Pontus province.
- All v2.2 Roman skins have been updated with newer versions made by Sgt. Valenzuela. Many v2.2 Barbarian skins have been redone by webbird and myself.
- Units equipped with the Gladius short sword (Hastati, Legions, most Roman infantry) now STAB when in combat instead of of making over head swings and jumping in mid-air.
- Raised all Barbarian peasants attack to 3,2 (same as 'civilised' peasants) and left them with the same defence (3,1) 1 better than 'civilized' peasants. This makes the tough life of a barbarian peasant apparent.
- Error where Ptolemaic Heavy Bowmen fought melee with their fists has been corrected, and they now show their proper weapons in combat.
- Integrated Azurain's fix for sprite anomolies. This fixes the glitch, where when you zoom out, new units turn 'pale'. You may notice a slight performance hit, although it will not be very noticeable (even if only meeting min. system req.).
- Accurate diplomatic treaties set up at the beginning of the campaign. Protectorates are,thus far, unable to create. Carthage allies w/ Numidia. Gauls allies w/ Britons. Gauls at war w/ Germans. Macedon allies w/ Greek Cities. Dacia allies w/ Sarmatia.
- Fixed unit stat. mix ups that were not changed for version 2 (but were meant to be).
- Macedonian Royal Pikemen renamed to Hypaspists and their primary weapon changed from long_pike to short_pike (represented as a short spear in-game).
{- I have incorporated some of Macroi's changes to unit stats, with adjustments and modifications that I believe is a good middle ground. These are listed. {All javelin attacks have been raised universally by +3, unless the stats were already over 12. This will hopefully give a larger reason to have skirmishers {engaged in combat along with your heavy infantry.
{- All Pre-Marian Roman troops have had their pilum attack raised to 12.
{- Woad Warriors have been given an extra hit point (2 total) and the attributes frighten_foot and hide_long_grass. This makes them more of a speacility unit {for Briton, yet doesn't overpower them. Their recruit/upkeep has been raised accordingly.
- CHANGES MADE TO ARCHERS: Archer unit numbers have been decreased on a per unit basis. All 'regular' foot archers (auxilia, warbands, etc) now have 30 men in a unit, instead of 40. All 'elite' archer units have 25 men in a unit, while all 'beyond' elite (Forester Warband, etc) have 20 men in a unit. This is one way to weaken archers, while reflecting the difficulty to master a bow, resulting in a smaller man per unit ratio. All archers have their quiver size decreased from 30 to 20. The more talented Eastern faction archers have their quiver size reduced to 30 from 40. Chariot archers quiver size has been reduced by 10. Elephant archers max arrows has been reduced to 50.
- Integrated Romhille's model fixes so that post-Marian Roman units (Legionnaries, etc) now show their proper shoulder pauldrons in game.
_ Fixed issue where rebels would spawn with bad units (druids, etc).
- Fixed issue with Imperial Palace not actually requiring a Great Forum and Aqueduct to be built first. Now it does.
- Pro-Consul's palace now requires a Forum to be built first.
- Roman Legionary First Cohorts I&II are now buildable ONLY after Rome post-Marian reforms.

09.11.2004, 16:45
- CHANGES TO SARMATIA: Sarmatian Light Cavalry have been given the 'hardy' attribute. Sarmatian Nobles have been given the 'hardy' attribute. Their melee sword attack has been raised to 12,4 from 10,4. Sarmatian Noble Archers ranged missle attack has been raised to 12,3 from 11,3. Sarmatian Horse Archers melee attack has been raised from 3,2 to 4,3.
- Praetorian units are only recruitable in the beginning Roman provinces to reflect their 'elite' status.
- Changed name of 'Ethnic Cavalry', 'Ethnic Axemen', 'Ethnic Bowmen', to 'Native Cavalry', etc.
- Changed name of 'Sarmatian Mercenaries' to 'Sarmatian Mercenary Cavalry'.
- 'Gallic Infantry' now renamed to 'Gallic Foot Auxillia' and 'Gallic Cavalry' now known as 'Gallic Mounted Auxillia' and 'Gallic Heavy Spearmen' now known as 'Gallic Spear Auxillia'.
- Updated 'Greek Hoplite' skin.
- Fixed issue with Alexandria and Memphis not being able to upgrade their government buildings.
- Returned Libyan Spearmen to their original values, and their original build que.
- Added Screeching Women to accompany select German warbands into battle like the Druids for Briton and Gaul.
- Raised Ram health by 80% to try and help AI in sieges.
- All special Carthaginian Gallic troops (Gallic Foot Auxilia, Gallic Mounted Auxilia, Gallic Spear Auxilia) are no longer exclusive to them. They are only buildable in and around the Gaul and Celt-Iberian territories, recruitable by all factions here.
- Renamed 'Head Hunting Maidens' to 'Sarmatin Female Cavalry'.
- Briton can now build Swordsmen at the same time as their Longshields (Muster Field). Longswordsmen have taken their place at the Militia Barracks level.

- Added a Phalanx Formation. The phalanx formation allows you to form a large line, with no spaces. Replaced the cavalry 3 lines formation with the Phalanx one. Shift+7 is the shortcut, or, select the group formation button at the bottom right, and select the one called Phalanx Formation. For this to properly work right, you must drag your troops wide, or else they'll appear to be in a small 'file' like formation.
- Phalanx units no longer have a standard bearer accompanying them so they can deploy into the new Phalanx formation correctly.
- Weather is now much more varied. Added a modified version of DrJambo's descr_daytypes.txt. More of a chance for darker fog, more rain storms, worse blizzards, and harsher sand storms.
- Changes made to grass height. The changes were slight, and shouldn't effect system performance. But, if you do notice your computer running slower, replace the new descr_grass.txt file with the old, original one. Simply paste the old file into your Rome - Total War/Data directory, and choose yes to over write.
- Adjusted Senate mission rate AGAIN. This time they should hand out missions less often. For real. Honest.
- Changed name of 'Silver Shield Pikemen' to 'Argyraspids'.
- All diplomats now cost 350 recruit, instead of the regular 250. This is the same cost as a spy.
- Starting movement points have been raised from 80 to 100. This allows you to move men further each turn. Any higher, and it enables you to make insta-sieges, bypass battles, encircle enemies without them being able to counter move, etc.
- Replaced the Funditores unit card with a new one for all Roman factions.
- Made small descriptive adjustments to various units. Renamed all 'Barbarian Peasants' to simply 'Peasants'.
- Moved Scipii diplomat to begin next to Messana on Sicilia Romanus.
- Changed 'Hillmen' to 'Spear Armed Hillmen', and gave them the 'spear' attribute for bonuses against cavalry, but penalties against infantry.
- Changed 'Eastern Infantry' to 'Sparabara'.
- Changed 'Persian Cavalry' to 'Persian National Cavalry'.
- Gave the 'spear' attribute to most spear-armed troops. This gives them a bonus vs cavalry, but a penalty against infantry.
- Falx units now have the armour piercing attribute.
- Raised the charge value of Amazons. Any soldier seeing the strange site of charging Chariot Amazons would be a little afraid. Also raised their armour and defence skil by 1 apiece.
- Added new loading screens courtesy of Apollonius. They are truly beautiful pieces of art and instill a better feeling of the times in the player.
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;;;;;;;;;;;; NEW & ADDED UNITS V3.0 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
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- BRITON LONGSWORDSMEN: This exclusive unit to Briton is armed with a long, armour piercing sword. They are not quite as effecient fighting in cramped forest areas as other Barbarian units (do not recieve Forest bonus). They have a high charge bonus (11/9), along with the armour piercing ability (cuts armour defence in half) and have a decent defence of (4/4/5). Recruit/Upkeep is 460/170.
- CATAPHRACTS: Sarmatia now has a Cataphracts unit. These have the same stats as the other eastern faction Cataphract units.
- SYRACUSIAN LIGHT ARCHERS: These are auxillia units only recrtuiable on Sicily. They have the same stats as most other archer units.
- IBERIAN FOOT AUXILIA: These are auxilia units only recruitable on the Iberian peninsula (and Mauretania province). Stats are similiar, although slightly less, than regular Iberian troops.
- SWORD ARMED HILLMEN: These troops compliment the Spear Armed Hillmen, and have similiar stats. They have less charge, more attack, and less defence. They are best used protecting the flanks of their spear armed brethren against infantry. Exclusive to Pontus, Armenia, and Parthia.
- HUVAKA: These are Parthian exclusive cavalry. They are aristocrats, and are best used as initial shock horse. Their melee is not the best, but when sent in and withdrawn quickly, they can be quite effective.
- CALEDONIAN HIGHLANDERS: These mercenary units are only recruitable in Britannia. They have an attack of 13,6 and a defence of 3,3,3 making them a formidable force, especially in the early game.
- ARAB INFANTRY: These infantry units are recruitable throughout Arabia and sections of Asia Minor. They have a realtively strong attack, but light defence, and as a result are best used as light infantry.
Please make sure to view the ReadMe for installation instructions!

Rome: Total Realism 2.2 Released
10/15/2004 11:10 PST | by Tyr

You heard it right! 2.2 IS HERE!

09.11.2004, 16:46
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;;;;; GENERAL CHANGES & FIXES VERSION 2.2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;
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_ Aleria now landable.
- Reduced all ship building costs by 50% recruit AND upkeep. This will keep the AI from going bankrupt by building ships. The ship system is currently not that great, and this is the best that can be done.
- Quadrireme description and unit icon issues fixed.
- Updated faction AI patterns.
- Fixed issue with Roman Funtidores appearing pale when zoomed at a distance.
- Removed Screeching Women, War Dogs, Head Hurlers, etc, from the build que. They will now not show up at all.
- Fixed issue where Egypt could not build their Elephant units.
- Got rid of Germania's starting Screeching Women units.
- Discrepancies in the export_descr_unit.txt file fixed.
- Added Rome: Total Realism version splash screen.
- All post-Marian Roman Legions have a +1 added morale boost to simulate their discipline further.
- The manner of a kill rate reduction has been changed. Swing rates have been to 0.75 of what theyw ere, so a -25 reduction, and there has been a +3 morale bonus given universally to all troops. This will, hopefully, stop the insta-routs that are known to happen quite often.
- Made small adjustments to the descr_ship.txt file, such as beam, ram enabled, etc.
- Ship added to Scipii near Capua. A few of Carthage's starting ships deleted, along with a few troops in their Hispania garrison.
- All basic spearmen have a +1 anti-cavalry,chariot, and camel bonus (Town Militia, etc). All 'better' spearmen and basic phalanx units have a +2 bonus vs cavalry, chariots, camels. (Triarii, Auxillia, etc). All hoplite units have a +3 bonus vs cavalry,chariots, and camels. All 'weak' pikemen have a +4 bonus vs cavalry, chariots, and camels. (Levy Pikemen types). All 'elite' pikemen, such as Agema, Bronze Shields, etc, have a +5 vs cavalry, chariots, camels.

- All barbarian units (except spear units, 'chosen' units, besides Chosen Axemen, and Skirmisher units) have been given the 'horde' formation.
- To build the Imperial Palace, the city must now contain a Great Forum and an Aqueducts.
- Changed character traits (Good Commander, etc) now show on screen the proper effects it gives.
- Major changes made to the ship units. All attacks have been raised by 50%, and all defence ratings have been lowered by 50%. This keeps huge naval force sizes down, and makes ships actually sinkable.
- Early and Late levels of pre-Marian legions now have numeral identifiers on their unit cards. Early units have a I, Middle units have nothing, Late units have a III.
- Probability of a random Senate mission has been lowered even more.
- Lowered ship unit sizes to a more manageable level, and to give more advanced ship types a larger purpose for being built. Scaled ship costs accordingly.
- German Axemen now buildable before the German Spear Warband. The Spear Warband now has a 11,7 attack, while the Axemen now have a 9,8 attack.
- Scipii town of Capua now begins with a port.
- Many Barbarian faction units have been reskinned. Including Longshield Warbands, Barbarian Cavalry, Sword Warbands, Sarmatian Horse Archers, etc. A few skins were created by outside sources (such as thebigcheese). Thanks to everyone who help contribute.
- Wardogs entirely removed. Not recruitable by any faction.
- Druids have been removed from the game as a recruitable unit, although a Druidic type escorts troops onto the battlefield for the Gauls and Britons (like a General). They do not give any bonuses.
- Incorporated Sgt. Venezuala's redone Roman textures for a more accurate portrayal of the legions. For more information, visit this thread:
- Lowered Carthage's Gallic Infantry defence to 1,4,2 and morale to 4. Raised Iberian Infantry morale to 6. Now, Gallic Infantry have a better attack, worse defence, while Iberian Infantry has weaker attack, better defence, and more morale.
- Carthaginian Libyan Spearmen now recruitable at the Militia Barracks level. Defence has been lowered to 5,5,5 and upkeep raised to 200. Not capable of phalanx.
- Created and added province of Caledonia and Settlement of Dalriada to the Briton posessions.
- Created and added province of Corsica and settlement of Aleria to the Carthage posessions.
- Created and added province of Raetia and settlement of Brigantium to the Rebels posession.
- Scythia is now known as Sarmatia, as the correct civilization in the Rome:Total War time period is Sarmatia, and NOT Scythia. This also corrects some historical innaccuracies with the use of warrior women.
- Incorporated a slightly modified version of jpinard's All Playable Factions MOD. Now, all factions are playable (except the Slaves). They all have descriptions, leader icons, and custom maps.
- Germanic Spear Warbands are no longer capable of phalanx.
- Changed name of German 'Skirmisher Warband' to 'Frameamen' and added +1 to their melee attack.
- Poeni Infantry renamed to Poeni Citizen Infantry.
- Numidian Mercenaries now renamed to Numidian Mercenary Cavalry.
- Gaul Swordsmen are now buildable at the same time as the Warband. Defence has been lowered to 3,26, and recruit/upkeep has been lowered to 450/140.
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;;;;;;; NEW & ADDED UNITS V2.0 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;
- GALLIC HEAVY INFANTRY: These are heavy Gallic troops only available to Carthage. They are spear armed men with a defence of 7,3,5 and an attack of 5,7. They take the place of Libyan Spearmen on the third tier barracks.
- GALLIC MERCENARY CAVALRY: These are cavalry troops exclusive to Carthage. They are spear armed, and a re a mix between Round Shield Cav. and Long Shield Cav.
- VENETI BAGAUDAM: Gaul exclusive unit in the place of Swordsmen. 12,6 attack. 7 morale. 3,2,6 defence. 460/170 recruit/upkeep. These are a quick, ambushing unit.
- ARCHERS: Carthage now has the ability to build Archers. The skins were already there, I simply enabled it. Same stats as the Numidian Archers. Buildable with an Archery Range.
- GERMANIC LANCEMEN: These are an exclusive unit for Germania. They are recruitable on the Army Barracks level, and take the place of Spear Warband as the Germanic phalanx enabled unit. Attack is 10,10 and defence is 3,5,6.
- ELEPHANTS, WAR ELEPHANTS, ARMOURED ELEPHANTS: These units are now buildable by The Ptolemaic Empire.
- SENONE SLINGERS: Gaul now have the exclusive unit 'Senone Slingers'. They have the same stats. as the British slingers.
- LEUCE EPOS: A Gaul exclusive unit. These are their version of light, javelin-armed cavalry. A ranged and melee attack of 6,2. A defence of 1,5,2. A morale of 6, and recruit/upkeep of 340/110. recruitable at the same time as regular Gallic Light Cavalry.

Rush off to the download section and grab it now or check the ReadMe
Enjoy and please submit any bugs to staff@rometotalrealism.com.

Rome: Total Realism 1.0 Released
10/13/2004 13:10 PST | by Tyr
The classical edition of R:TR, the first release:

09.11.2004, 16:48
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;
;;;;; GENERAL CHANGES & FIXES VERSION 1.0;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;
- Macedon and Pontus are now unlockable after a successful Imperial Campaign. They also have custom maps in the faction selection screen.
- Egypt is now The Ptolemaic Empire. Spain is now Iberia.
- Greek Royal Pikeman now use pikes, instead of simple spears. Thanks to Eldaran for creating this fix first!
- Wardogs are now EXCLUSIVE to the Barbarian factions. Roman factions can no longer produce these animals.Added Wardogs ability to Hide In Long Grass and Run Amok. Changed Attack from 14 to 12. Changed cost of upkeep from 40 to 100 to replicate replacement of handlers costs, etc, while still not making them an impossible choice to train. Decreased handler/dog ratio to 8/24.
- All buildings build times extended by 1 turn, except the basic level of wall defences.
- CHANGES MADE TO CARTHAGE: Added Diplomat nearby to Carthago. Carthago Nova starts with a port & a Governor's Villa (Spain was big interest to Carthage, it must have had a damn port), upgraded Carthago's port to a Shipwright. Added a number of ships to bolster their sea defences. Increased 'Iberian infantry' Defensive Skill by 1, and rose attack by 1, and raised recruit cost to 280. Changed the Civ. type to Sailor Caesar. Added assorted buildings to different cities, to make them more technologically advanced. Changed Carthago's population to 7300. Gave the provinces of Numidia, Tripolitania, and Baetica to Carthage, as this was the correct state of the empire at the time of the first Punic War.
- CHANGES MADE TO EGYPT: Altered the Civ. faction type to religious mao. removed a number of buildings from Egypt's various cities, as they were EXTREMELY well advanced compared to nearby (and pretty much every other) factions. Removed many natural resources in their beginning territories. Lowered beginning population amount for each city.
- CHANGES MADE TO NAVAL WARFARE: All ships take 60 population cost. All ships costs have been inflated. the Decere has been replaced with the Quadrireme, and the Corvus Quinquereme is now the best ship buildable. Boats are now named Warships, and Large Boats are named Large Warships. Warships are roughly equal to a Bireme, while Large Warships are only slightly weaker in defense than a Trireme.
- CHANGES MADE TO THE GREEK CITIES: Families have been reworked, so, to replicate 2 seperate leagues, you can choose which families have power in the faction by choosing heirs and leaders. Syracuse is now rebel, along with Pergamum, & Apollonia now belongs to The Greek Cities.
- CHANGES MADE TO THE ROMAN FACTIONS: Hastati, Principes, and Triarii are ALL recruitable with a Militia Barracks. They are now represented in three forms; Early, Contemporary, and Late. Early Hastati, Hastati, Late Hastati. The lowered stats reflect this. Early troops are available with the Militia Barracks. 'Normal' troops are available with City Barracks. Late troops are available with Army Barracks. The Late troops have the regular, CA supplied stats.
- Reduced Base farm Fertility Levels across the whole entire board for a slower, more realistic population growth rate. This, in turn, extends the games longevity.
- Adjusted character trait bonuses. The Good commander trait gives 1 less command bonus, but gives 1 Troop Morale Boost.
- Diminished all cavalry's charge bonus to about 66% of what they once were. This will stop units from routing as easily, but not go as far as to make cavalry flanking negligible.
- Equites stats have been lowered from a 7,4 attack, to 6,3. Defence has been lowered from 3,5,4 to 4,2,3. Previously they had the best defensive rating out of all early cavalry, and only 1 point lower than Long Shield Cavalry. All early Barbarian Cavalry defence has been raised by 1 point to 3,4,4. Equites unit number has been lowered from 27 to 18.
- Praetorian Cohorts now have the same attack value as a Legionary Cohort, but have slightly improved armour levels to reflect their status of being elite, but not super human. Urban Cohorts have the same armour value as Praetorian Cohorts, but have an improved attack. Overall, though, this has been diminished slightly.
- Macedonian and Egyptian family names have now been reworked and made correct.
- Eastern war elephants now use the Indian model, and not the African.
- Lowered the probablity of a Senate assigned mission. Lowered the reward money that you are given for a successful mission. All offices held durations have been shortened to 3 years. Pontifex Maximus can ONLY be held once by any single character.
- Increased the probability of some natural disasters occuring. Storms can now happen over land as well as sea.
- Diminished trade values of all resources by 1.
- Changed the name of 'Pharoah's Bowmen' to 'Ptolemaic Heavy Bowmen'. Diminished stats to have less of an attack than Gaulish Huntsmen, but better defense and armour.
- Libyan Spearman now have the ability 'Phalanx'.
- Corinth is now stronger garrisoned to reflect its historical state as a 'frontier' town.
- Velite Gladiator no longer trainable. Mirmillo & Samnite Gladiators no longer trainable, but recruitable as mercenaries.
- Removed the 'Head Hurlers' unit.
- Senate begins game with more units as not to be so much of a push over.
- Syracuse is now a rebel city.
- Reduced handler/incendiary pig ratio to 8/24 for both Roman and Greek factions.
- Gave Belgica to the Rebels. The Britons only have their British provinces, and they will have to fight to expand. This is to make the major barbarian factions the Germanics and Gauls.
- Added Centurions/Signiferis to the proper units.
- Integrated adonys' 'Killing Rate Mod' for longer battles, and a slower kill rate. No unit attributes are changed with this, only the KILL RATE is slower. For a more in-depth explanation of this, please visit the following link: http://www.twcenter.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=9877
- Integrated Apollonius' 'Movement Rate Mod' for a more realistic movement rate. For more information on this mod, please visit the following link: http://www.twcenter.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=9703
- Edited the Barbarian Peasants to be a more logical choice. Raised attack to 2, charge bonus to 2, group size to 80, and lowered upkeep cost to 90. Compared to the more 'civiliszed' civilians, the barbarians were very weak. For instance, Carthaginian peasants have an attack of 3 and a charge bonus of 2. I left these at normal.
- Removed the use of Arcani.
- 'Gaesatae' are only available to the Gauls, as was true of history.
- Removed the use of 'Egyptian Chariots' and 'Egyptian Chariot Archers'.
- Removed the use of 'Screeching Women'.
- Lowered Druids attack from 13 to 10 and charge bonus from 5 to 3, and lowered their recruit cost to 440, to make them more of a general back-up role, to accompany their troops mainly in a chant, and not to actually engage in combat.
- Changed the name of 'Trier' to 'Treverum' for the German city.
- Changed the name of Rome to Roma.
- Changed the name of 'Corduba' to 'Gades'. Corduba was founded by Rome in 164 BC. Gades (Cadiz) was an ancient city belonging to Pheonicia, then Carthage.
- Changed the name of Carthage to Carthago.
- Renamed 'Bull Warriors' to 'Iberian Infantry'.
- Changed the name of 'Naked Fantics' to 'Gaesatae'.
- Changed the name of 'Heavy Peltast' to the proper name of 'Thureophoroi' for The Greek Cities.
- Changed 'Macedonian Cavalry' to 'Prodromoi'.
- Changed the name of 'Cataphract Camels' to 'Heavy Camels', as Cataphract sounds misleading.
- Changed the name of 'Spanish Mercenaries' to 'Iberian Mercenaries'.
- Changed the name of 'Nile Spearmen' to ' Machimoi'. Reskinned.
- Changed the name of 'Desert cavalry' to 'Ethnic Cavalry'.
- Changed the name of 'Pharoah's Guard' to 'Agema'.
- Changed the name of 'Barbarian Peasants' for all factions to reflect their race. Gaulish Barbarian Peasants become Gallic Peasants, Dacian Barbarian Peasants become Dacian Peasants, British Barbarian Peasants become Breton Peasants, Scythian Barbarian Peasants become Scythian Peasants, and German Barbarian Peasants become Germanic Peasants.
- Changed the name of 'Barbarian Cavalry' for all factions to reflect their race. Gaulish Barbarian Cavalry become Gallic Light Cavalry, Scythian Barbarian Cavalry becomes Scythian Light Cavalry, etc.
- Changed the name of 'Barbarian Noble Cavalry' for each faction to reflect their race. Dacian Barbarian Noble cavalry becomes Dacian Noble Cavalry, etc.
- Changed the name of 'Barbarian Warlord' for each faction to reflect their race. British Barbarian Warlord becomes Breton Warlord, etc.
- Changed the name of 'British Light Chariots' and 'British Heavy Chariots' to 'Celtic Light Chariots' and 'Celtic Heavy Chariots'.
- Changed name of 'Nile Cavalry' to 'Cleruch Cavalry'.
- Faction AI settings have been changed. Full credits go to .Spartan
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;;;;;;; NEW & ADDED UNITS V1.0 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- GALLIC INFANTRY: These are gallic troops only available to Carthage to train. These soldiers contribute to a diverse Carthaginian army.
- NUBIAN MERCENARIES: These are Nubian Spearmen, available to any faction for recruitment in the Nile Delta, Middle Edgypt, or Thebais.
- FUNTIDORES: These are slingers for the Roman factions. In the time before the Marian reforms, the Romans made use of 'slingers', not archers.

09.11.2004, 16:51
Так что мне ставить то, если еня версия 1.0 ? А ?
с чего начинать и чем заканчивать..... ссылки плииз тогда уж давайте.

09.11.2004, 16:58
сперва надо поставить rome total war 1.1
потом total realism mod v3.1 full (http://www.twcenter.net/zonelord11x/RomeTotalRealism_v3.1_FULL.exe) 59 Mb - он сожержит все изменения версий от 1-3

потом total realism mod 3.2 patch (http://www.twcenter.net/zonelord11x/RomeTotalRealism_v3.2_PATCH.exe) 385 Kb - мелкий патчик , исправлены некоторые ошибки в 3.1

09.11.2004, 17:04
Кстати твои сейвы из версии 1 вряд ли будут работаь в версии 3. Так что если хочешь доиграть , доиграй сейчас ,потом устанавливай :)

И мне кажется версию 1 сначала надо снести а потом на "чистую" RTW 1.1 поставить 3.1full

09.11.2004, 17:12
Скажи Realizm Patch это же не официальный патч? В чем преимущество и отличия этого патча, исходя из названия он просто меняет характеристики юнитов и всё? А новые юниты, нации, герои??? И есть ли кряк к оф. патчу 1.1 и к Realizm тоже?

09.11.2004, 17:23
не официальный , меняет не только характеристики юнитов, но и внешний вид , здание постройки итд , есть новые юниты, АИ теперь лучше должен играть(в экономике хотябы), способности героев подкорректированы ,некоторые усилены некоторые опущены , карта расширена (они даже индию собираются добавить к 4 версии) , города некоторые переставлены ,переименованы , удалены и созданы новые, игра за все фракции в том числе S.Q.P.R. и всякие мелкие племена , ребелы более активны и могут строить юниты в городах

а кряк к официальной 1.1 разве не лежит на яхосте rometotalwar1.1nocd-fix

а зачем нужен кряк к Realizmu? он же мод , и без защиты

09.11.2004, 18:09
спасибо за инфу, я скачал, дома опробую. А та imperial campaign прахом пусть летит, все равно не так начал. Да и комп. на уровне Normal какой то лох вообще, постоянно атакует какими то битыми кусками войск постоянно. Я уж запарился битвы проводить вручную. А если автоматом сделать так много кавалерии умирает безтолку и experience теряется попусту...

09.11.2004, 18:13
играй на сложности emperor-emperor , сильнее от этого он не станет :) но может удивить пару раз

10.11.2004, 05:21
ээй раз уж скачал то поделись с народом? а? :) закинь на яхост

15.11.2004, 16:34
То что Хастаты и им подобные когда гришь им атаковать мла... обязательно стрелы пустят.... :) И главное это еще ладно так они через своих пускают вот забодали а...

ПС или я не могу команду найти на отмену ;)))

15.11.2004, 20:17
Есть два способа это предотвратить - зажать Альт и сменится иконка нападения с копья на меч и кликнуть на цель, это ручной способ , а можно просто отключить режим Skirmish в панели управления отрядами.

17.11.2004, 09:07
Нет Altos, в режиме меча [ALT] они все равно кидаются копьями

17.11.2004, 13:02
Это глюк , у мня они копьями не кидаются в режиме [alt] :d

13.12.2004, 05:24
спешите качать (не забывая закинуть на яхост ;) ) вышла новая версия Total Realism Mod 4.0!!! весит больше всех предыдущих (поэтому сам не смогу скачать :( ) изменений масса, и очень глубоких изменений, это фактически новая игра на базе Rtw

09.01.2005, 18:40
Удалена! (ftp://yahost.ru/upload/Games/Sky.J/RTW_Rus.rar)
Закинул русификацию для RomeTotalWar, ещё не испробовал, но люди говорят что работает. Если стоит Realism Mod, то в архиве есть папка - Reserv_Rus02, вроде специально для RealismMod`a v.3.1, точно не уверен, но пробуйте, если вам игра ещё не надоела :D

09.01.2005, 19:09
по адсл бы сыграть, я достал прогу BattleLan , она позволяет играть лан игры по tcp ip

05.02.2005, 13:16
Кто-нибудь скачал и установил уже?


60-ти мегабайтная заплатка, подымет Rome: Total War (1.0 и 1.1) до 1.2. Этот кусочек кода повышает производительность игрушки, улучшает однопользовательскую кампанию и исправляет множество мелких недочётов. С этих пор, патч 1.2 будет обязательным атрибутом многопользовательских онлайновых баталий.

17.02.2005, 20:20
скачать скачал, установил, ноСД фикса тоже есть, а куда теперь заливать? Там в патче забавно стало, что наследники не только в столице появляются, да и лучники своим в спину меньше засаживают =)

19.02.2005, 10:22
вижу уже залит на яхост патч 1.2 с лекарством, спасибо, посмотрим

24.05.2005, 12:48
Слить "Total Realism Patch 5.4 Full" (ftp://files.ya1.ru/upload/xchange/Rome Total War RTR 5.4/RomeTotalRealism_v5.4_FULL.exe) - ставиться на "оригинальный" Rome: Total War v1.2
и тут же заплатка к ней исправляет баги 5.4 (ftp://files.ya1.ru/upload/xchange/Rome Total War RTR 5.4/RomeTotalRealism_v5.4.1_PATCH.exe) - ставить поверх 5.4


Pantheons of Jupiter and Pantheions of Athena now give the correct bonuses.
Roman First Cohorts can now be recruited anywhere after the Marian reforms, as is more historically correct.
Harmozeia can now build ports.
Balanced hoplite combat: levied hoplites, hoplites, armored hoplites, early greek general, corinthian hoplites, athenian hoplites, spartan hoplites should be the order of combat prowess
Hypaspists phalanx formation removed, now triarii-esque infantry
Early Roman generals' spacing has been corrected.
Numidian generals and Spartan hoplites now have 2 HP, as they should.
Sword-Armed Hillmen have been removed from the campaign
Fixed some mixed up unit cards and info images
Fixed Corinthian Hoplite skin, unit card and info image
General upgrades should now work.
The description for the Very Lively trait was displaying incorrectly.
Greek generals now no longer have the phalanx ability, they function as infantry.
All generals can now be used in custom battles.
Added unit icons, info images and skins for said generals
Bug where Macedonian Mercenaries disappeared has been fixed.
Roman family tree has been diversified.
Iuvavum now has a northbound road.
Aquileia can now build ports.
Deprecated cohorts now no longer show up in custom battles.
First Cohorts are now recruitable in any city at all barracks levels, as intended.
Renamed a number of legionary units - removed the phrase "Cohort" from most of them since they are not technically cohorts.
Renamed a number of generals.
Vicus Cimbri will be able to build a port.
First Cohorts will be reduced in size to match other cohorts. Cost and upkeep will be adjusted accordingly.
Seleucid and Ptolemaic legionaries will have their armor reduced to bring them into line with their Roman counterparts, but the Roman cohorts may get an armor boost. Cost and upkeep will be adjusted accordingly.
An updated campaign descriptions file will be included, proofread and with all references to the Roman families removed.
Horde formation will be removed.
Added New Ptolemaic Agema Skin
Added New Libyan Spearmen Skin to replace Duplicate skin in RTW vanilla
Moved Roman Late Legionaries from Tier 4 to Tier 5 - should be built later in the game now.
The names of the battle difficulty settings will be changed to reflect the difficulty bug .
Updated Historic Battles to 5.x standard - there still may be issues with some battles (Adrianople)
Greek General's Bodyguard are now harder to kill
Moved a lot of ports, or if no port was avalible in a costal province, added it
A lot of minor fixes and tweaks

Контент-манагерам! Просьба объединить папки /Games/RTW_patch_1_2 и /Games/Rome - Total War, а также переместить xchange/Rome Total War RTR 5.4 туда же.

24.05.2005, 13:08
шустро! :) не успел докинуть в эту папку сам мод 5.4
слейте плииз снова оттуда же туда же! ~80 метров

24.05.2005, 13:28
Сникерсни :)

25.05.2005, 09:47
Товарищи есть у кого NoCD к версии 1.2????
"Rome_TW_Fixed_Image" не пашет!

25.05.2005, 23:57
у меня все работает

02.06.2005, 12:04
Поставил версии v1.1, v1.2 patch, изменений в последнем много, сам аддон не стал ставить, вылетает в начале, да ну его... и без него неплохо играется. Вот вчера карфаген наконец-то завоевал. Только я не понял как слонов дрессировать? :)
кто нибудь сталкивался с глюками Rome RTR?

18.09.2005, 20:47
А так что по инету играете???А то поиграть охота

23.02.2006, 21:11
Ее плюсы минусы,ваша тактика игры(если не секрет) и попробовать организовать неофициальный чемп

23.02.2006, 21:20
игра хорошая, но для организации чемп имхо не подходит.... уж нету для этой игры сетевых стандартов, исходя из которых можно было бы сделать вразумительные и сбалансированные правила

25.02.2006, 21:10
но но не надо тут, варкрафты это из другой оперы =) а стратегическая карта в прошлых сериях была еще проще

п..с. так и не понял две вещи - как регулировать глубину строя и мочат ли лучники своих людей если стреляютв гущу сражения
еще как мочат,даже если близко два отряда поставишь лучников,то они друг друга покоцают

17.08.2006, 16:15
Все кому нравиться игра Rome total war заходите на канал #RTW, съыграем по сетке. :006:

18.08.2006, 21:25
буду заходить , надеюсь там много народу
кстати версии какие?

18.08.2006, 21:36
я тожэ буду!!! народ заходите устроим МЯСО бугагага

20.08.2006, 20:03
заходите на канал #RTW, съыграем по сетке. :006:
Сам бы забегал,а то один Terrorizm да Moonwolf ночью рубятся

03.09.2006, 18:30
а не могли бы вы дать скачать её полную версию? хотелось бы сыграть, пожалуйста

03.09.2006, 18:32
а не могли бы вы дать скачать её полную версию? хотелось бы сыграть, пожалуйста
Приезжай к нам в город Якутск, дадим.

14.10.2006, 01:26
RTW Alexander игра не устанавливается с образов, к-ые лежат на фтп.

Перевод качественный?

У кого-нибудь есть от 1С barbarian и alexander, залейте, плиз.

16.10.2006, 00:23
перевод не очень,да и сама игра скучновата,всего два соперника,пока не дойдешь до Вавилона никто не нападает на твои города,а когда дойдешь-уже весь запад твой и напасть некому,в общем в простой играть интереснее было

16.10.2006, 00:25
давайте сыграем :fans:

11.03.2007, 14:44
канал #RTW умер? такая великая игра... а она забыта.

11.03.2007, 15:18
игру нельзя играть вечно..

11.03.2007, 15:25
игру нельзя играть вечно..

а про counter-strike молчим :)